Athena is designed to act like one of your employees, reading and taking actions over different asset types, for instance docs, sheets, etc. This guide highlights two important aspects of Athena’s interaction with your data:

  1. What can Athena see?

    Athena has visibility into different asset types, allowing it to understand and interpret a wide array of data. For example, Athena can read documents and sheets, view the contents of folders, and even browse the web to gather information.

  2. What can Athena do?

    Beyond just viewing, Athena can perform a multitude of actions on top of your assets to manage your workspace efficiently. It can create and edit documents & sheets and share assets with others, among other capabilities.


  • Visibility:
    • Athena can read what’s inside a document and look at every single page.
  • Actions - Athena can:
    • Create a new document.
    • Edit the contents of a document.
    • Share a document with a user.
    • Rename a document.


  • Visibility:
    • Athena can read and analyze from sheets by extracting data.
  • Actions - Athena can:
    • Create a new spreadsheet.
    • Edit the contents of a spreadsheet.
    • Share a spreadsheet with a user.
    • Rename a spreadsheet.


  • Visibility:
    • Athena can look at everything inside a folder and help understand it better.
  • Actions - Athena can:
    • Create new folders.
    • Move things into a folder.
    • Perform an in-depth-analysis on folders.


  • Visibility:
    • Athena can access meeting details, including attendee lists, video recordings, audio, and transcripts.
  • Actions - Athena can:
    • Jump directly to a designated timestamp in the meeting recording.
    • Draft an email summarizing the meeting.


  • Visibility:
    • Athena can help find things inside spaces, but it can’t look at the spaces themselves like a person can.
  • Actions:
    • Athena can help you set up ways to find things in spaces by adding filters based on conditions.


  • Visibility:
    • Athena can browse the web to gather and read information.
  • Actions - Athena can:
    • Create a new browser session.
    • Read the output of the browser session.


  • Visibility:
    • Athena can read and analyze notebooks.
  • Actions - Athena can:
    • Create a new Jupyter notebook.
    • Add and edit code cells inside a notebook.


  • Visibility:
    • Athena can look at or run query snippets to see results from databases.
  • Actions - Athena can:
    • Create a new SQL Query Snippet.
    • Edit and run a query.
    • Fix any errors in the query.