Athena allows you to leverage the full Python ecosystem of open-source tools for custom data integration, enabling connections to any system.

Additionally, you have easy access to Athena agents through Athena SDK, facilitating seamless integration and automation of complex workflows.

This guide is designed for technical users with basic coding skills, enabling them to effectively harness the full Python ecosystem for custom data integration and seamless access to Athena agents through Athena SDK.

Step-by-step Instructions


Open Builder

Navigate to Builder. Enter the name of your task. Click on Create Task.


Edit the script

In the inbuilt code editor on your left, write the custom Python script that you wish to create for your workflow.


Test and Deploy

You can test your script side by side, making necessary code adjustments while viewing logs and results. Once satisfied, click on “Deploy” to add your task to Athena Tasks for one-click execution.

Python Scripts need to have a main function that will be the script’s entrypoint. There are a few important things to note about the main.

  • The main arguments are used for generating
    • the input spec of the Script
    • the frontend that you see when running the Script as a standalone app.
  • Type annotations are used to generate the UI form, and help pre-validate inputs. While not mandatory, they are highly recommended.

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