Athena analyzes multiple sales agreements at once to give you comprehensive insights quickly. Pull out Athena Sheets for extracting important information and Athena Spaces for comparing documents side by side.

Athena Spaces let you spot patterns and differences across agreements in minutes instead of hours. She turns lengthy manual reviews into fast, accurate insights that guide your decision-making process.

Breakdown Sales Agreements with Athena

Step-by-step Instructions


Open the template

Open the Sales Agreements Breakdown Template. Drag and drop the documents you wish to analyze in the corresponding cells.

You’ll need access to view this document.


Open Spaces

Navigate to Spaces. Drag and drop the uploaded sales agreements and the template in a new space.


Enter formula to find effective date

In Cell B6, enter the following formula and press Enter.


=ATHENA(“Extract the effective date from the sales agreement. Strictly return only the date and no descriptive content.”, cell-containing-document)

Replace cell-containing-document with the cell that contains your document.

Enter formulae for other fields

Follow Step 2 and enter formulae for all other information you wish to extract from the sales agreement. Press Enter to execute cells after adding the formulae. In the template, we have included Parties, Associated Risks, Notice Period, Confidentiality, Governing Law and Liability Coverage, you can add/delete columns as per need.


Complete the analysis

Select all the cells you just entered formulae in. Drag and extend them till all the documents are covered.

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