PDF Redaction
Athena’s PDF Redactor eases information extraction and document security by providing swift and comprehensive PDF redaction in seconds. Eliminate the need for pulling out important data manually and focus on more strategic tasks.
Efficiently highlight key information about teams and drivers from the RedBull Annual Performance Report, allowing you to concentrate on performance improvement to get your P1 finish!
PDF Redaction using Athena
Step-by-step Instructions
Open PDF Redactor
Navigate to Apps -> Redactor from the applications sidebar on the left.
Upload PDF
Upload the PDF you wish to redact in Upload a PDF to redact.
Choose custom prompt
From the Prompt preset dropdown, select Custom.
Enter your prompt
In the Redaction prompt, enter the following prompt and click on Next.
Download your redacted PDF
Once completed, click on the Download icon on the top-right corner of the PDF.