Harness the power of AI-native Athena Notebooks in R to streamline supply chain efficiency and optimize logistics operations. Implement seamless management of facility locations, comprehensive analysis of transportation costs, and evaluation of various fulfillment options. Offering a hands-off coding experience, Athena Notebooks facilitate the generation of detailed cost-benefit analysis reports, empowering data-driven decision-making.

For instance, a Formula One team can refine their logistics strategy by optimizing the transportation of cars and equipment to international race venues, ensuring the timely delivery of essential components, thereby enhancing their operational performance and competitive edge.

Network Optimization in R using Athena

Step-by-step Instructions


Create a Notebook

Navigate to Spaces. Click on the ’+’ icon -> Notebook on top of the left sidebar to create a new notebook.


Change the kernel

In the Notebook, click on Python 3 (ipykernel) and select R from the options. Click on Select.


Upload the datasets

Upload the required datasets as Athena assets by clicking on ’+’ icon -> Upload.


Load the datasets

Enter the following prompt in Chat and press Enter.


Load @your-dataset(s)-name into @your-notebook-name using R.

Replace your-dataset(s)-name & your-notebook-name by selecting all the required datasets and notebook from the Athena Assets dropdown.

Analyze Transportation Costs and Delivery Times

Enter the following prompt and press Enter.


Analyze @your-transport-costs-delivery-times-dataset Group and summarize transportation data by origin and destination to calculate average costs and delivery times. Visualize the results.

Replace your-transport-costs-delivery-times-dataset by selecting the corresponding dataset from the Athena Assets dropdown.

Compare Fulfillment Options

Enter the following prompt and press Enter.


@your-fulfillment-options-dataset Merge the transportation data with fulfillment options to evaluate different scenarios. Calculate the total cost for each fulfillment option and add new columns for cost calculations.

Replace your-fulfillment-options-dataset by selecting the corresponding dataset from the Athena Assets dropdown.

Generate Cost-Benefit Analysis

Enter the following prompt and press Enter.


Create a new data frame to store the results of the cost-benefit analysis. Calculate total costs, benefits, and net benefits for each scenario. Add recommendations based on the net benefit values.


Visualize Results

Enter the following prompt and press Enter.


Create plots to visualize the cost-benefit analysis, highlighting the most cost-effective fulfillment options.


Document Findings

Enter the following prompt and press Enter.


Use markdown cells to document the analysis process, key findings, and recommendations.

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